
128 lines
3.6 KiB

from django import template
from extras.choices import CustomFieldTypeChoices
from utilities.querydict import dict_to_querydict
__all__ = (
register = template.Library()
def tag(value, viewname=None):
Display a tag, optionally linked to a filtered list of objects.
value: A Tag instance
viewname: If provided, the tag will be a hyperlink to the specified view's URL
return {
'tag': value,
'viewname': viewname,
def customfield_value(customfield, value):
Render a custom field value according to the field type.
customfield: A CustomField instance
value: The custom field value applied to an object
if value:
if customfield.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_SELECT:
value = customfield.get_choice_label(value)
elif customfield.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_MULTISELECT:
value = [customfield.get_choice_label(v) for v in value]
return {
'customfield': customfield,
'value': value,
def badge(value, bg_color=None, show_empty=False):
Display the specified number as a badge.
value: The value to be displayed within the badge
bg_color: Background color CSS name
show_empty: If true, display the badge even if value is None or zero
return {
'value': value,
'bg_color': bg_color or 'secondary',
'show_empty': show_empty,
def checkmark(value, show_false=True, true='Yes', false='No'):
Display either a green checkmark or red X to indicate a boolean value.
value: True or False
show_false: Show false values
true: Text label for true values
false: Text label for false values
return {
'value': bool(value),
'show_false': show_false,
'true_label': true,
'false_label': false,
def copy_content(target, prefix=None, color='primary', classes=None):
Display a copy button to copy the content of a field.
return {
'target': f'#{prefix or ""}{target}',
'color': f'btn-{color}',
'classes': classes or '',
@register.inclusion_tag('builtins/htmx_table.html', takes_context=True)
def htmx_table(context, viewname, return_url=None, **kwargs):
Embed an object list table retrieved using HTMX. Any extra keyword arguments are passed as URL query parameters.
context: The current request context
viewname: The name of the view to use for the HTMX request (e.g. `dcim:site_list`)
return_url: The URL to pass as the `return_url`. If not provided, the current request's path will be used.
url_params = dict_to_querydict(kwargs)
url_params['return_url'] = return_url or context['request'].path
return {
'viewname': viewname,
'url_params': url_params,
def formaction(context):
Replace the 'formaction' attribute on an HTML element with the appropriate HTMX attributes
if HTMX navigation is enabled (per the user's preferences).
if context.get('htmx_navigation', False):
return 'hx-push-url="true" hx-post'
return 'formaction'