Fixes #14329: Improve diffs for custom fields

This commit is contained in:
JCWasmx86 2023-11-22 20:25:25 +01:00
parent 85db007ff5
commit f149f1f994
2 changed files with 24 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ from utilities.htmx import is_htmx
from utilities.paginator import EnhancedPaginator, get_paginate_count
from utilities.rqworker import get_workers_for_queue
from utilities.templatetags.builtins.filters import render_markdown
from utilities.utils import copy_safe_request, count_related, get_viewname, normalize_querydict, shallow_compare_dict
from utilities.utils import copy_safe_request, count_related, deep_compare_dict, get_viewname, normalize_querydict
from utilities.views import ContentTypePermissionRequiredMixin, register_model_view
from . import filtersets, forms, tables
from .forms.reports import ReportForm
@ -719,14 +719,7 @@ class ObjectChangeView(generic.ObjectView):
prechange_data = instance.prechange_data
if prechange_data and instance.postchange_data:
diff_added = shallow_compare_dict(
prechange_data or dict(),
instance.postchange_data or dict(),
diff_removed = {
x: prechange_data.get(x) for x in diff_added
} if prechange_data else {}
diff_added, diff_removed = deep_compare_dict(prechange_data, instance.postchange_data, exclude=('last_updated'))
diff_added = None
diff_removed = None

View File

@ -395,20 +395,34 @@ def prepare_cloned_fields(instance):
return QueryDict(urlencode(params), mutable=True)
def shallow_compare_dict(source_dict, destination_dict, exclude=tuple()):
def deep_compare_dict(old, new, exclude=tuple()):
Return a new dictionary of the different keys. The values of `destination_dict` are returned. Only the equality of
the first layer of keys/values is checked. `exclude` is a list or tuple of keys to be ignored.
Return a tuple of two dictionaries `(removed_diffs, added_diffs)` in a format
that is compatible with the requirements of `ObjectChangeView`.
`exclude` is a list or tuple of keys to be ignored.
difference = {}
added_diffs = {}
removed_diffs = {}
for key, value in destination_dict.items():
for key in old:
if key in exclude:
if source_dict.get(key) != value:
difference[key] = value
return difference
old_data = old[key]
new_data = new[key]
if old_data != new_data:
if isinstance(old_data, dict) and isinstance(new_data, dict):
(sub_added, sub_removed) = deep_compare_dict(old_data, new_data, exclude=exclude)
if len(sub_removed) > 0:
removed_diffs[key] = sub_removed
if len(sub_added) > 0:
added_diffs[key] = sub_added
removed_diffs[key] = old_data
added_diffs[key] = new_data
return added_diffs, removed_diffs
def flatten_dict(d, prefix='', separator='.'):