Update installation docs

This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Stretch 2020-07-20 16:53:04 -04:00
parent 08a5e82afc
commit 0ef016db07
8 changed files with 193 additions and 168 deletions

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
This section entails the installation and configuration of a local PostgreSQL database. If you already have a PostgreSQL database service in place, skip to [the next section](2-redis.md).
!!! warning
NetBox requires PostgreSQL 9.6 or higher. Please note that MySQL and other relational databases are **not** supported.
NetBox requires PostgreSQL 9.6 or higher. Please note that MySQL and other relational databases are **not** currently supported.
The installation instructions provided here have been tested to work on Ubuntu 18.04 and CentOS 7.5. The particular commands needed to install dependencies on other distributions may vary significantly. Unfortunately, this is outside the control of the NetBox maintainers. Please consult your distribution's documentation for assistance with any errors.
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ If a recent enough version of PostgreSQL is not available through your distribut
#### CentOS
CentOS 7.5 does not ship with a recent enough version of PostgreSQL, so it will need to be installed from an external repository. The instructions below show the installation of PostgreSQL 9.6, however you may opt to install a more recent version.
CentOS 7 does not ship with a recent enough version of PostgreSQL, so it will need to be installed from an external repository. The instructions below show the installation of PostgreSQL 9.6, however you may opt to install a more recent version.
# yum install -y https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/reporpms/EL-7-x86_64/pgdg-redhat-repo-latest.noarch.rpm
@ -47,11 +47,11 @@ Then, start the service and enable it to run at boot:
At a minimum, we need to create a database for NetBox and assign it a username and password for authentication. This is done with the following commands.
!!! danger
**Do not use the password from the example.** Choose a strong, random password to ensure secure database authentication for your NetBox installation.
# sudo -u postgres psql
psql (10.10)
psql (10.12 (Ubuntu 10.12-0ubuntu0.18.04.1))
Type "help" for help.
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE netbox;
@ -68,7 +68,13 @@ postgres=# \q
You can verify that authentication works issuing the following command and providing the configured password. (Replace `localhost` with your database server if using a remote database.)
# psql -U netbox -W -h localhost netbox
# psql --username netbox --password --host localhost netbox
Password for user netbox:
psql (10.12 (Ubuntu 10.12-0ubuntu0.18.04.1))
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, bits: 256, compression: off)
Type "help" for help.
netbox=> \q
If successful, you will enter a `netbox` prompt. Type `\q` to exit.

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
[Redis](https://redis.io/) is an in-memory key-value store which NetBox employs for caching and queuing. This section entails the installation and configuration of a local Redis instance. If you already have a Redis service in place, skip to [the next section](3-netbox.md).
!!! note
NetBox v2.9.0 or later requires Redis v4.0 or higher.
NetBox v2.9.0 and later require Redis v4.0 or higher. If your distribution does not offer a recent enough release, you will need to build Redis from source. Please see [the Redis installation documentation](https://github.com/redis/redis) for further details.
### Ubuntu

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@ -4,7 +4,10 @@ This section of the documentation discusses installing and configuring the NetBo
## Install System Packages
Begin by installing all system packages required by NetBox and its dependencies. Note that beginning with NetBox v2.8, Python 3.6 or later is required.
Begin by installing all system packages required by NetBox and its dependencies.
!!! note
NetBox v2.8.0 and later require Python 3.6 or 3.7. This documentation assumes Python 3.6.
### Ubuntu
@ -19,22 +22,32 @@ Begin by installing all system packages required by NetBox and its dependencies.
# easy_install-3.6 pip
Before continuing with either platform, update pip (Python's package management tool) to its latest release:
# pip install --upgrade pip
## Download NetBox
You may opt to install NetBox either from a numbered release or by cloning the master branch of its repository on GitHub.
This documentation provides two options for installing NetBox: from a downloadable archive, or from the git repository. Installing from a package (option A below) requires manually fetching and decompressing the archive for every future update, whereas installation via git (option B) allows for seamless upgrades by re-pulling the `master` branch.
### Option A: Download a Release
### Option A: Download a Release Archive
Download the [latest stable release](https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox/releases) from GitHub as a tarball or ZIP archive and extract it to your desired path. In this example, we'll use `/opt/netbox`.
Download the [latest stable release](https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox/releases) from GitHub as a tarball or ZIP archive and extract it to your desired path. In this example, we'll use `/opt/netbox` as the NetBox root.
# wget https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox/archive/vX.Y.Z.tar.gz
# tar -xzf vX.Y.Z.tar.gz -C /opt
# cd /opt/
# ln -s netbox-X.Y.Z/ netbox
# cd /opt/netbox/
# ln -s /opt/netbox-X.Y.Z/ /opt/netbox
# ls -l /opt | grep netbox
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Jul 20 13:44 netbox -> netbox-2.9.0/
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 20 13:44 netbox-2.9.0
!!! note
It is recommended to install NetBox in a directory named for its version number. For example, NetBox v2.9.0 would be installed into `/opt/netbox-2.9.0`, and a symlink from `/opt/netbox/` would point to this location. This allows for future releases to be installed in parallel without interrupting the current installation. When changing to the new release, only the symlink needs to be updated.
### Option B: Clone the Git Repository
Create the base directory for the NetBox installation. For this guide, we'll use `/opt/netbox`.
@ -57,7 +70,7 @@ If `git` is not already installed, install it:
# yum install -y git
Next, clone the **master** branch of the NetBox GitHub repository into the current directory:
Next, clone the **master** branch of the NetBox GitHub repository into the current directory. (This branch always holds the current stable release.)
# git clone -b master https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox.git .
@ -70,72 +83,38 @@ Resolving deltas: 100% (1495/1495), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
## Create the NetBox User
Create a system user account named `netbox`. We'll configure the WSGI and HTTP services to run under this account. We'll also assign this user ownership of the media directory. This ensures that NetBox will be able to save local files.
!!! note
CentOS users may need to create the `netbox` group first.
Installation via git also allows you to easily try out development versions of NetBox. The `develop` branch contains all work underway for the next minor release, and the `develop-x.y` branch (if present) tracks progress on the next major release.
## Create the NetBox System User
Create a system user account named `netbox`. We'll configure the WSGI and HTTP services to run under this account. We'll also assign this user ownership of the media directory. This ensures that NetBox will be able to save uploaded files.
#### Ubuntu
# groupadd --system netbox
# adduser --system --gid netbox netbox
# adduser --system --group netbox
# chown --recursive netbox /opt/netbox/netbox/media/
## Set Up Python Environment
#### CentOS
We'll use a Python [virtual environment](https://docs.python.org/3.6/tutorial/venv.html) to ensure NetBox's required packages don't conflict with anything in the base system. This will create a directory named `venv` in our NetBox root.
# python3 -m venv /opt/netbox/venv
Next, activate the virtual environment and install the required Python packages. You should see your console prompt change to indicate the active environment. (Activating the virtual environment updates your command shell to use the local copy of Python that we just installed for NetBox instead of the system's Python interpreter.)
# source venv/bin/activate
(venv) # pip3 install -r requirements.txt
### NAPALM Automation (Optional)
NetBox supports integration with the [NAPALM automation](https://napalm-automation.net/) library. NAPALM allows NetBox to fetch live data from devices and return it to a requester via its REST API. Installation of NAPALM is optional. To enable it, install the `napalm` package:
(venv) # pip3 install napalm
To ensure NAPALM is automatically re-installed during future upgrades, create a file named `local_requirements.txt` in the NetBox root directory (alongside `requirements.txt`) and list the `napalm` package:
# echo napalm >> local_requirements.txt
### Remote File Storage (Optional)
By default, NetBox will use the local filesystem to storage uploaded files. To use a remote filesystem, install the [`django-storages`](https://django-storages.readthedocs.io/en/stable/) library and configure your [desired backend](../../configuration/optional-settings/#storage_backend) in `configuration.py`.
(venv) # pip3 install django-storages
Don't forget to add the `django-storages` package to `local_requirements.txt` to ensure it gets re-installed during future upgrades:
# echo django-storages >> local_requirements.txt
# groupadd --system netbox
# adduser --system -g netbox netbox
# chown --recursive netbox /opt/netbox/netbox/media/
## Configuration
Move into the NetBox configuration directory and make a copy of `configuration.example.py` named `configuration.py`.
Move into the NetBox configuration directory and make a copy of `configuration.example.py` named `configuration.py`. This file will hold all of your local configuration parameters.
(venv) # cd netbox/netbox/
(venv) # cp configuration.example.py configuration.py
# cd /opt/netbox/netbox/netbox/
# cp configuration.example.py configuration.py
Open `configuration.py` with your preferred editor and set the following variables:
Open `configuration.py` with your preferred editor to begin configuring NetBox. NetBox offers [many configuration parameters](/configuration/), but only the following four are required for new installations:
@ -144,19 +123,21 @@ Open `configuration.py` with your preferred editor and set the following variabl
This is a list of the valid hostnames by which this server can be reached. You must specify at least one name or IP address.
This is a list of the valid hostnames and IP addresses by which this server can be reached. You must specify at least one name or IP address. (Note that this does not restrict the locations from which NetBox may be accessed: It is merely for [HTTP host header validation](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.0/topics/security/#host-headers-virtual-hosting).)
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['netbox.example.com', '']
If you are not yet sure what the domain name and/or IP address of the NetBox installation will be, you can set this to a wildcard (asterisk) to allow all host values:
This parameter holds the database configuration details. You must define the username and password used when you configured PostgreSQL. If the service is running on a remote host, replace `localhost` with its address. See the [configuration documentation](../../configuration/required-settings/#database) for more detail on individual parameters.
This parameter holds the database configuration details. You must define the username and password used when you configured PostgreSQL. If the service is running on a remote host, update the `HOST` and `PORT` parameters accordingly. See the [configuration documentation](/configuration/required-settings/#database) for more detail on individual parameters.
@ -165,29 +146,31 @@ DATABASE = {
'PASSWORD': 'J5brHrAXFLQSif0K', # PostgreSQL password
'HOST': 'localhost', # Database server
'PORT': '', # Database port (leave blank for default)
'CONN_MAX_AGE': 300, # Max database connection age
'CONN_MAX_AGE': 300, # Max database connection age (seconds)
Redis is a in-memory key-value store required as part of the NetBox installation. It is used for features such as webhooks and caching. Redis typically requires minimal configuration; the values below should suffice for most installations. See the [configuration documentation](../../configuration/required-settings/#redis) for more detail on individual parameters.
Redis is a in-memory key-value store used by NetBox for caching and background task queuing. Redis typically requires minimal configuration; the values below should suffice for most installations. See the [configuration documentation](/configuration/required-settings/#redis) for more detail on individual parameters.
Note that NetBox requires the specification of two separate Redis databases: `tasks` and `caching`. These may both be provided by the same Redis service, however each should have a unique database ID.
'tasks': {
'HOST': 'redis.example.com',
'PORT': 1234,
'PASSWORD': 'foobar',
'SSL': False,
'HOST': 'localhost', # Redis server
'PORT': 6379, # Redis port
'PASSWORD': '', # Redis password (optional)
'DATABASE': 0, # Database ID
'DEFAULT_TIMEOUT': 300, # Timeout (seconds)
'SSL': False, # Use SSL (optional)
'caching': {
'HOST': 'localhost',
'PORT': 6379,
'DATABASE': 1, # Unique ID for second database
'SSL': False,
@ -196,37 +179,69 @@ REDIS = {
Generate a random secret key of at least 50 alphanumeric characters. This key must be unique to this installation and must not be shared outside the local system.
This parameter must be assigned a randomly-generated key employed as a salt for hashing and related cryptographic functions. (Note, however, that it is _never_ directly used in the encryption of secret data.) This key must be unique to this installation and is recommended to be at least 50 characters long. It should not be shared outside the local system.
You may use the script located at `netbox/generate_secret_key.py` to generate a suitable key.
!!! note
In the case of a highly available installation with multiple web servers, `SECRET_KEY` must be identical among all servers in order to maintain a persistent user session state.
## Run Database Migrations
Before NetBox can run, we need to install the database schema. This is done by running `python3 manage.py migrate` from the `netbox` directory (`/opt/netbox/netbox/` in our example):
A simple Python script named `generate_secret_key.py` is provided in the parent directory to assist in generating a suitable key:
(venv) # cd /opt/netbox/netbox/
(venv) # python3 manage.py migrate
Operations to perform:
Apply all migrations: dcim, sessions, admin, ipam, utilities, auth, circuits, contenttypes, extras, secrets, users
Running migrations:
Rendering model states... DONE
Applying contenttypes.0001_initial... OK
Applying auth.0001_initial... OK
Applying admin.0001_initial... OK
# python3 ../generate_secret_key.py
If this step results in a PostgreSQL authentication error, ensure that the username and password created in the database match what has been specified in `configuration.py`
!!! warning
In the case of a highly available installation with multiple web servers, `SECRET_KEY` must be identical among all servers in order to maintain a persistent user session state.
When you have finished modifying the configuration, remember to save the file.
## Optional Requirements
All Python packages required by NetBox are listed in `requirements.txt` and will be installed automatically. NetBox also supports some optional packages. If desired, these packages must be listed in `local_requirements.txt` within the NetBox root directory.
The [NAPALM automation](https://napalm-automation.net/) library allows NetBox to fetch live data from devices and return it to a requester via its REST API. The `NAPALM_USERNAME` and `NAPALM_PASSWORD` configuration parameters define the credentials to be used when connecting to a device.
# echo napalm >> /opt/netbox/local_requirements.txt
### Remote File Storage
By default, NetBox will use the local filesystem to store uploaded files. To use a remote filesystem, install the [`django-storages`](https://django-storages.readthedocs.io/en/stable/) library and configure your [desired storage backend](/configuration/optional-settings/#storage_backend) in `configuration.py`.
# echo django-storages >> /opt/netbox/local_requirements.txt
## Run the Upgrade Script
Once NetBox has been configured, we're ready to proceed with the actual installation. We'll run the packaged upgrade script (`upgrade.sh`) to perform the following actions:
* Create a Python virtual environment
* Install all required Python packages
* Run database schema migrations
* Aggregate static resource files on disk
# /opt/netbox/upgrade.sh
!!! note
Upon completion, the upgrade script may warn that no existing virtual environment was detected. As this is a new installation, this warning can be safely ignored.
## Create a Super User
NetBox does not come with any predefined user accounts. You'll need to create a super user to be able to log into NetBox:
NetBox does not come with any predefined user accounts. You'll need to create a super user (administrative account) to be able to log into NetBox. First, enter the Python virtual environment created by the upgrade script:
# source /opt/netbox/venv/bin/activate
Once the virtual environment has been activated, you should notice the string `(venv)` prepended to your console prompt.
Next, we'll create a superuser account using the `createsuperuser` Django management command (via `manage.py`). Specifying an email address for the user is not required, but be sure to use a very strong password.
(venv) # cd /opt/netbox/netbox
(venv) # python3 manage.py createsuperuser
Username: admin
Email address: admin@example.com
@ -235,17 +250,9 @@ Password (again):
Superuser created successfully.
## Collect Static Files
(venv) # python3 manage.py collectstatic --no-input
959 static files copied to '/opt/netbox/netbox/static'.
## Test the Application
At this point, NetBox should be able to run. We can verify this by starting a development instance:
At this point, we should be able to run NetBox. We can check by starting a development instance:
(venv) # python3 manage.py runserver --insecure
@ -267,6 +274,6 @@ Note that the initial UI will be locked down for non-authenticated users.
![NetBox UI as seen by a non-authenticated user](../media/installation/netbox_ui_guest.png)
After logging in as the superuser you created earlier, all areas of the UI will be available.
Try logging in as the super user we just created. Once authenticated, you'll be able to access all areas of the UI:
![NetBox UI as seen by an administrator](../media/installation/netbox_ui_admin.png)

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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
# Gunicorn
Like most Django applications, NetBox runs as a [WSGI application](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_Server_Gateway_Interface) behind an HTTP server. This documentation shows how to install and configure [gunicorn](http://gunicorn.org/) for this role, however other WSGIs are available and should work similarly well.
## Configuration
NetBox ships with a default configuration file for gunicorn. To use it, copy `/opt/netbox/contrib/gunicorn.py` to `/opt/netbox/gunicorn.py`. (We make a copy of this file rather than pointing to it directly to ensure that any changes to it do not get overwritten by a future upgrade.)
# cd /opt/netbox
# cp contrib/gunicorn.py /opt/netbox/gunicorn.py
While this default configuration should suffice for most initial installations, you may wish to edit this file to change the bound IP address and/or port number, or to make performance-related adjustments. See [the Gunicorn documentation](https://docs.gunicorn.org/en/stable/configure.html) for the available configuration parameters.
## systemd Setup
We'll use systemd to control both gunicorn and NetBox's background worker process. First, copy `contrib/netbox.service` and `contrib/netbox-rq.service` to the `/etc/systemd/system/` directory and reload the systemd dameon:
# cp contrib/*.service /etc/systemd/system/
# systemctl daemon-reload
Then, start the `netbox` and `netbox-rq` services and enable them to initiate at boot time:
# systemctl start netbox netbox-rq
# systemctl enable netbox netbox-rq
You can use the command `systemctl status netbox` to verify that the WSGI service is running:
# systemctl status netbox.service
● netbox.service - NetBox WSGI Service
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/netbox.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Thu 2019-12-12 19:23:40 UTC; 25s ago
Docs: https://netbox.readthedocs.io/en/stable/
Main PID: 11993 (gunicorn)
Tasks: 6 (limit: 2362)
CGroup: /system.slice/netbox.service
├─11993 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/gunicorn --pid /var/tmp/netbox.pid --pythonpath /opt/netbox/...
├─12015 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/gunicorn --pid /var/tmp/netbox.pid --pythonpath /opt/netbox/...
├─12016 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/gunicorn --pid /var/tmp/netbox.pid --pythonpath /opt/netbox/...
Once you've verified that the WSGI workers are up and running, move on to HTTP server setup.

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@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
# HTTP Server Setup
We'll set up a simple WSGI front end using [gunicorn](http://gunicorn.org/) for the purposes of this guide. For web servers, we provide example configurations for both [nginx](https://www.nginx.com/resources/wiki/) and [Apache](http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4). (You are of course free to use whichever combination of HTTP and WSGI services you'd like.) We'll use systemd to enable service persistence.
This documentation provides example configurations for both [nginx](https://www.nginx.com/resources/wiki/) and [Apache](http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4), though any HTTP server which supports WSGI should be compatible.
!!! info
For the sake of brevity, only Ubuntu 18.04 instructions are provided here, but this sort of web server and WSGI configuration is not unique to NetBox. Please consult your distribution's documentation for assistance if needed.
For the sake of brevity, only Ubuntu 18.04 instructions are provided here, these tasks not unique to NetBox and should carry over to other distributions with mininal changes. Please consult your distribution's documentation for assistance if needed.
## Obtain an SSL Certificate
@ -17,17 +17,19 @@ The command below can be used to generate a self-signed certificate for testing
-out /etc/ssl/certs/netbox.crt
## HTTP Daemon Installation
The above command will prompt you for additional details of the certificate; all of these are optional.
## HTTP Server Installation
### Option A: nginx
The following will serve as a minimal nginx configuration. Be sure to modify your server name and installation path appropriately.
Begin by installing nginx:
# apt-get install -y nginx
Once nginx is installed, copy the default nginx configuration file to `/etc/nginx/sites-available/netbox`. Be sure to replace `netbox.example.com` with the domain name or IP address of your installation. (This should match the value configured for `ALLOWED_HOSTS` in `configuration.py`.)
Once nginx is installed, copy the nginx configuration file provided by NetBox to `/etc/nginx/sites-available/netbox`. Be sure to replace `netbox.example.com` with the domain name or IP address of your installation. (This should match the value configured for `ALLOWED_HOSTS` in `configuration.py`.)
# cp /opt/netbox/contrib/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available/netbox
@ -69,67 +71,25 @@ Finally, ensure that the required Apache modules are enabled, enable the `netbox
# service apache2 restart
!!! note
Certain components of NetBox (such as the display of rack elevation diagrams) rely on the use of embedded objects. Ensure that your HTTP server configuration does not override the `X-Frame-Options` response header set by NetBox.
## Gunicorn Configuration
Copy `/opt/netbox/contrib/gunicorn.py` to `/opt/netbox/gunicorn.py`. (We make a copy of this file to ensure that any changes to it do not get overwritten by a future upgrade.)
# cd /opt/netbox
# cp contrib/gunicorn.py /opt/netbox/gunicorn.py
You may wish to edit this file to change the bound IP address or port number, or to make performance-related adjustments. See [the Gunicorn documentation](https://docs.gunicorn.org/en/stable/configure.html) for the available configuration parameters.
## systemd Configuration
We'll use systemd to control the daemonization of NetBox services. First, copy `contrib/netbox.service` and `contrib/netbox-rq.service` to the `/etc/systemd/system/` directory:
# cp contrib/*.service /etc/systemd/system/
Then, start the `netbox` and `netbox-rq` services and enable them to initiate at boot time:
# systemctl daemon-reload
# systemctl start netbox netbox-rq
# systemctl enable netbox netbox-rq
You can use the command `systemctl status netbox` to verify that the WSGI service is running:
# systemctl status netbox.service
● netbox.service - NetBox WSGI Service
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/netbox.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Thu 2019-12-12 19:23:40 UTC; 25s ago
Docs: https://netbox.readthedocs.io/en/stable/
Main PID: 11993 (gunicorn)
Tasks: 6 (limit: 2362)
CGroup: /system.slice/netbox.service
├─11993 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/gunicorn --pid /var/tmp/netbox.pid --pythonpath /opt/netbox/...
├─12015 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/gunicorn --pid /var/tmp/netbox.pid --pythonpath /opt/netbox/...
├─12016 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/gunicorn --pid /var/tmp/netbox.pid --pythonpath /opt/netbox/...
## Confirm Connectivity
At this point, you should be able to connect to the HTTP service at the server name or IP address you provided.
!!! info
Please keep in mind that the configurations provided here are bare minimums required to get NetBox up and running. You may want to make adjustments to better suit your production environment.
!!! warning
Certain components of NetBox (such as the display of rack elevation diagrams) rely on the use of embedded objects. Ensure that your HTTP server configuration does not override the `X-Frame-Options` response header set by NetBox.
## Troubleshooting
If you are unable to connect to the HTTP server, check that:
* Nginx/Apache is running and configured to listen on the correct port.
* Access is not being blocked by a firewall. (Try connecting locally from the server itself.)
* Access is not being blocked by a firewall somewhere along the path. (Try connecting locally from the server itself.)
If you are able to connect but receive a 502 (bad gateway) error, check the following:
* The NetBox system process (gunicorn) is running: `systemctl status netbox`
* The WSGI worker processes (gunicorn) are running (`systemctl status netbox` should show a status of "active (running)")
* nginx/Apache is configured to connect to the port on which gunicorn is listening (default is 8001).
* SELinux is not preventing the reverse proxy connection. You may need to allow HTTP network connections with the command `setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1`

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@ -5,8 +5,9 @@ The following sections detail how to set up a new instance of NetBox:
1. [PostgreSQL database](1-postgresql.md)
1. [Redis](2-redis.md)
3. [NetBox components](3-netbox.md)
4. [HTTP daemon](4-http-daemon.md)
5. [LDAP authentication](5-ldap.md) (optional)
4. [Gunicorn](4-gunicorn.md)
5. [HTTP server](5-http-server.md)
6. [LDAP authentication](6-ldap.md) (optional)
Below is a simplified overview of the NetBox application stack for reference:
@ -16,4 +17,5 @@ Below is a simplified overview of the NetBox application stack for reference:
If you are upgrading from an existing installation, please consult the [upgrading guide](upgrading.md).
Netbox v2.5.9 and later moved to using systemd instead of supervisord. Please see the instructions for [migrating to systemd](migrating-to-systemd.md) if you are still using supervisord.
!!! note
Beginning with v2.5.9, the official documentation calls for systemd to be used for managing the WSGI workers in place of supervisord. Please see the instructions for [migrating to systemd](migrating-to-systemd.md) if you are still using supervisord.

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@ -20,8 +20,9 @@ nav:
- 1. PostgreSQL: 'installation/1-postgresql.md'
- 2. Redis: 'installation/2-redis.md'
- 3. NetBox: 'installation/3-netbox.md'
- 4. HTTP Daemon: 'installation/4-http-daemon.md'
- 5. LDAP (Optional): 'installation/5-ldap.md'
- 4. Gunicorn: 'installation/4-gunicorn.md'
- 5. HTTP Server: 'installation/5-http-server.md'
- 6. LDAP (Optional): 'installation/6-ldap.md'
- Upgrading NetBox: 'installation/upgrading.md'
- Migrating to systemd: 'installation/migrating-to-systemd.md'
- Configuration: