# - name: Lee Widget # title: CEO of Widget Corp # phone: 221-555-1212 # email: widgetCEO@widgetcorp.com # address: 1200 Nowhere Blvd, Scranton NJ, 555111 # comments: This is a very important contact # - name: Ali Gator # group: Network-Team # title: Consultant for Widget Corp # phone: 221-555-1213 # email: Consultant@widgetcorp.com # address: 1200 Nowhere Blvd, Scranton NJ, 555111 # comments: This is a very important contact # - name: Karlchen Maier # group: New Contact Group # title: COO of Widget Corp # phone: 221-555-1214 # email: Karlchen@widgetcorp.com # address: 1200 Nowhere Blvd, Scranton NJ, 555111 # comments: This is a very important contact