--- name: Bug report about: Create a report about a malfunction of the Docker setup title: '' labels: '' assignees: '' --- ## Current Behavior ## Expected Behavior ## Debug Information The output of `docker-compose version`: `XXXXX` The output of `docker version`: `XXXXX` The output of `git rev-parse HEAD`: `XXXXX` The command you used to start the project: `XXXXX` The output of `docker inspect netboxcommunity/netbox:latest --format "{{json .Config.Labels}}"`: ```json { "JSON JSON JSON": "--> Please paste formatted json. (Use e.g. `jq` or https://jsonformatter.curiousconcept.com/)" } ``` The output of `docker-compose logs netbox`: ```text LOG LOG LOG ``` The output of `cat docker-compose.override.yml`: ```text LOG LOG LOG ```