#!/bin/bash # Clones the Netbox repository with git from Github and builds the Dockerfile echo "▶️ $0 $*" set -e if [ "${1}x" == "x" ] || [ "${1}" == "--help" ] || [ "${1}" == "-h" ]; then echo "Usage: ${0} [--push|--push-only]" echo " branch The branch or tag to build. Required." echo " --push Pushes the built Docker image to the registry." echo " --push-only Only pushes the Docker image to the registry, but does not build it." echo "" echo "You can use the following ENV variables to customize the build:" echo " SRC_ORG Which fork of netbox to use (i.e. github.com/\${SRC_ORG}/\${SRC_REPO})." echo " Default: netbox-community" echo " SRC_REPO The name of the repository to use (i.e. github.com/\${SRC_ORG}/\${SRC_REPO})." echo " Default: netbox" echo " URL Where to fetch the code from." echo " Must be a git repository. Can be private." echo " Default: https://github.com/\${SRC_ORG}/\${SRC_REPO}.git" echo " NETBOX_PATH The path where netbox will be checkout out." echo " Must not be outside of the netbox-docker repository (because of Docker)!" echo " Default: .netbox" echo " SKIP_GIT If defined, git is not invoked and \${NETBOX_PATH} will not be altered." echo " This may be useful, if you are manually managing the NETBOX_PATH." echo " Default: undefined" echo " TAG The version part of the docker tag." echo " Default:" echo " When \${BRANCH}=master: latest" echo " When \${BRANCH}=develop: snapshot" echo " Else: same as \${BRANCH}" echo " DOCKER_REGISTRY The Docker repository's registry (i.e. '\${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/\${DOCKER_ORG}/\${DOCKER_REPO}'')" echo " Used for tagging the image." echo " Default: docker.io" echo " DOCKER_ORG The Docker repository's organisation (i.e. '\${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/\${DOCKER_ORG}/\${DOCKER_REPO}'')" echo " Used for tagging the image." echo " Default: netboxcommunity" echo " DOCKER_REPO The Docker repository's name (i.e. '\${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/\${DOCKER_ORG}/\${DOCKER_REPO}'')" echo " Used for tagging the image." echo " Default: netbox" echo " DOCKER_TAG The name of the tag which is applied to the image." echo " Useful for pushing into another registry than hub.docker.com." echo " Default: \${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/\${DOCKER_ORG}/\${DOCKER_REPO}:\${TAG}" echo " DOCKER_SHORT_TAG The name of the short tag which is applied to the" echo " image. This is used to tag all patch releases to their" echo " containing version e.g. v2.5.1 -> v2.5" echo " Default: \${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/\${DOCKER_ORG}/\${DOCKER_REPO}:." echo " DOCKERFILE The name of Dockerfile to use." echo " Default: Dockerfile" echo " DOCKER_FROM The base image to use." echo " Default: Whatever is defined as default in the Dockerfile." echo " DOCKER_TARGET A specific target to build." echo " It's currently not possible to pass multiple targets." echo " Default: main ldap" echo " HTTP_PROXY The proxy to use for http requests." echo " Example: http://proxy.domain.tld:3128" echo " Default: undefined" echo " NO_PROXY Comma-separated list of domain extensions proxy should not be used for." echo " Example: .domain1.tld,.domain2.tld" echo " Default: undefined" echo " DEBUG If defined, the script does not stop when certain checks are unsatisfied." echo " Default: undefined" echo " DRY_RUN Prints all build statements instead of running them." echo " Default: undefined" echo "" echo "Examples:" echo " ${0} master" echo " This will fetch the latest 'master' branch, build a Docker Image and tag it" echo " 'netboxcommunity/netbox:latest'." echo " ${0} develop" echo " This will fetch the latest 'develop' branch, build a Docker Image and tag it" echo " 'netboxcommunity/netbox:snapshot'." echo " ${0} v2.6.6" echo " This will fetch the 'v2.6.6' tag, build a Docker Image and tag it" echo " 'netboxcommunity/netbox:v2.6.6' and 'netboxcommunity/netbox:v2.6'." echo " ${0} develop-2.7" echo " This will fetch the 'develop-2.7' branch, build a Docker Image and tag it" echo " 'netboxcommunity/netbox:develop-2.7'." echo " SRC_ORG=cimnine ${0} feature-x" echo " This will fetch the 'feature-x' branch from https://github.com/cimnine/netbox.git," echo " build a Docker Image and tag it 'netboxcommunity/netbox:feature-x'." echo " SRC_ORG=cimnine DOCKER_ORG=cimnine ${0} feature-x" echo " This will fetch the 'feature-x' branch from https://github.com/cimnine/netbox.git," echo " build a Docker Image and tag it 'cimnine/netbox:feature-x'." if [ "${1}x" == "x" ]; then exit 1 else exit 0 fi fi ### # Determining the build command to use ### if [ -z "${DRY_RUN}" ]; then DRY="" else echo "⚠️ DRY_RUN MODE ON ⚠️" DRY="echo" fi ### # variables for fetching the source ### SRC_ORG="${SRC_ORG-netbox-community}" SRC_REPO="${SRC_REPO-netbox}" BRANCH="${1}" URL="${URL-https://github.com/${SRC_ORG}/${SRC_REPO}.git}" NETBOX_PATH="${NETBOX_PATH-.netbox}" ### # fetching the source ### if [ "${2}" != "--push-only" ] && [ -z "${SKIP_GIT}" ] ; then echo "🌐 Checking out '${BRANCH}' of netbox from the url '${URL}' into '${NETBOX_PATH}'" if [ ! -d "${NETBOX_PATH}" ]; then $DRY git clone -q --depth 10 -b "${BRANCH}" "${URL}" "${NETBOX_PATH}" fi ( $DRY cd "${NETBOX_PATH}" if [ -n "${HTTP_PROXY}" ]; then git config http.proxy "${HTTP_PROXY}" fi $DRY git remote set-url origin "${URL}" $DRY git fetch -qp --depth 10 origin "${BRANCH}" $DRY git checkout -qf FETCH_HEAD $DRY git prune ) echo "✅ Checked out netbox" fi ### # Determining the value for DOCKERFILE # and checking whether it exists ### DOCKERFILE="${DOCKERFILE-Dockerfile}" if [ ! -f "${DOCKERFILE}" ]; then echo "🚨 The Dockerfile ${DOCKERFILE} doesn't exist." if [ -z "${DEBUG}" ]; then exit 1 else echo "⚠️ Would exit here with code '1', but DEBUG is enabled." fi fi ### # variables for labelling the docker image ### BUILD_DATE="$(date -u '+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M+00:00')" if [ -d ".git" ]; then GIT_REF="$(git rev-parse HEAD)" fi # read the project version from the `VERSION` file and trim it, see https://stackoverflow.com/a/3232433/172132 PROJECT_VERSION="${PROJECT_VERSION-$(sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//' VERSION)}" # Get the Git information from the netbox directory if [ -d "${NETBOX_PATH}/.git" ]; then NETBOX_GIT_REF=$(cd ${NETBOX_PATH}; git rev-parse HEAD) NETBOX_GIT_BRANCH=$(cd ${NETBOX_PATH}; git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) NETBOX_GIT_URL=$(cd ${NETBOX_PATH}; git remote get-url origin) fi ### # variables for tagging the docker image ### DOCKER_REGISTRY="${DOCKER_REGISTRY-docker.io}" DOCKER_ORG="${DOCKER_ORG-netboxcommunity}" DOCKER_REPO="${DOCKER_REPO-netbox}" case "${BRANCH}" in master) TAG="${TAG-latest}";; develop) TAG="${TAG-snapshot}";; *) TAG="${TAG-$BRANCH}";; esac ### # Determine targets to build ### DEFAULT_DOCKER_TARGETS=("main" "ldap") DOCKER_TARGETS=( "${DOCKER_TARGET:-"${DEFAULT_DOCKER_TARGETS[@]}"}") echo "🏭 Building the following targets:" "${DOCKER_TARGETS[@]}" ### # Build each target ### for DOCKER_TARGET in "${DOCKER_TARGETS[@]}"; do echo "🏗 Building the target '${DOCKER_TARGET}'" ### # composing the final TARGET_DOCKER_TAG ### TARGET_DOCKER_TAG="${DOCKER_TAG-${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/${DOCKER_ORG}/${DOCKER_REPO}:${TAG}}" if [ "${DOCKER_TARGET}" != "main" ]; then TARGET_DOCKER_TAG="${TARGET_DOCKER_TAG}-${DOCKER_TARGET}" fi ### # composing the additional DOCKER_SHORT_TAG, # i.e. "v2.6.1" becomes "v2.6", # which is only relevant for version tags ### if [[ "${TAG}" =~ ^v([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.[0-9]+$ ]]; then MAJOR=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} MINOR=${BASH_REMATCH[2]} TARGET_DOCKER_SHORT_TAG="${DOCKER_SHORT_TAG-${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/${DOCKER_ORG}/${DOCKER_REPO}:v${MAJOR}.${MINOR}}" if [ "${DOCKER_TARGET}" != "main" ]; then TARGET_DOCKER_SHORT_TAG="${TARGET_DOCKER_SHORT_TAG}-${DOCKER_TARGET}" fi fi ### # Proceeding to buils stage, except if `--push-only` is passed ### if [ "${2}" != "--push-only" ] ; then ### # Composing all arguments for `docker build` ### DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS=( --pull --target "${DOCKER_TARGET}" -f "${DOCKERFILE}" -t "${TARGET_DOCKER_TAG}" ) if [ -n "${TARGET_DOCKER_SHORT_TAG}" ]; then DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS+=( -t "${TARGET_DOCKER_SHORT_TAG}" ) fi # --label if [ "${DOCKER_TARGET}" == "main" ]; then DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS+=( --label "ORIGINAL_TAG=${TARGET_DOCKER_TAG}" --label "org.label-schema.build-date=${BUILD_DATE}" --label "org.opencontainers.image.created=${BUILD_DATE}" --label "org.label-schema.version=${PROJECT_VERSION}" --label "org.opencontainers.image.version=${PROJECT_VERSION}" ) if [ -d ".git" ]; then DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS+=( --label "org.label-schema.vcs-ref=${GIT_REF}" --label "org.opencontainers.image.revision=${GIT_REF}" ) fi if [ -d "${NETBOX_PATH}/.git" ]; then DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS+=( --label "NETBOX_GIT_BRANCH=${NETBOX_GIT_BRANCH}" --label "NETBOX_GIT_REF=${NETBOX_GIT_REF}" --label "NETBOX_GIT_URL=${NETBOX_GIT_URL}" ) fi fi # --build-arg DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS+=( --build-arg "NETBOX_PATH=${NETBOX_PATH}" ) if [ -n "${DOCKER_FROM}" ]; then DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS+=( --build-arg "FROM=${DOCKER_FROM}" ) fi if [ -n "${HTTP_PROXY}" ]; then DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS+=( --build-arg "http_proxy=${HTTP_PROXY}" ) DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS+=( --build-arg "https_proxy=${HTTPS_PROXY}" ) fi if [ -n "${NO_PROXY}" ]; then DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS+=( --build-arg "no_proxy=${NO_PROXY}" ) fi ### # Building the docker image ### echo "🐳 Building the Docker image '${TARGET_DOCKER_TAG}'." $DRY docker build "${DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS[@]}" . echo "✅ Finished building the Docker images '${TARGET_DOCKER_TAG}'" fi ### # Pushing the docker images if either `--push` or `--push-only` are passed ### if [ "${2}" == "--push" ] || [ "${2}" == "--push-only" ] ; then echo "⏫ Pushing '${TARGET_DOCKER_TAG}" $DRY docker push "${TARGET_DOCKER_TAG}" echo "✅ Finished pushing the Docker image '${TARGET_DOCKER_TAG}'." if [ -n "${TARGET_DOCKER_SHORT_TAG}" ]; then echo "⏫ Pushing '${TARGET_DOCKER_SHORT_TAG}'" $DRY docker push "${TARGET_DOCKER_SHORT_TAG}" echo "✅ Finished pushing the Docker image '${TARGET_DOCKER_SHORT_TAG}'." fi fi done