#!/bin/bash # Builds the latest released version ORIGINAL_GITHUB_REPO="digitalocean/netbox" GITHUB_REPO="${GITHUB_REPO-$ORIGINAL_GITHUB_REPO}" URL_RELEASES="https://api.github.com/repos/${GITHUB_REPO}/releases" JQ_LATEST="group_by(.prerelease) | .[] | sort_by(.published_at) | reverse | .[0] | select(.prerelease==${PRERELEASE-false}) | .tag_name" CURL="curl -sS" VERSION=$($CURL "${URL_RELEASES}" | jq -r "${JQ_LATEST}") # Check if the prerelease version is actually higher than stable version if [ "${PRERELEASE}" == "true" ]; then JQ_STABLE="group_by(.prerelease) | .[] | sort_by(.published_at) | reverse | .[0] | select(.prerelease==false) | .tag_name" STABLE_VERSION=$($CURL "${URL_RELEASES}" | jq -r "${JQ_STABLE}") # shellcheck disable=SC2003 MAJOR_STABLE=$(expr match "${STABLE_VERSION}" 'v\([0-9]\+\)') # shellcheck disable=SC2003 MINOR_STABLE=$(expr match "${STABLE_VERSION}" 'v[0-9]\+\.\([0-9]\+\)') # shellcheck disable=SC2003 MAJOR_UNSTABLE=$(expr match "${VERSION}" 'v\([0-9]\+\)') # shellcheck disable=SC2003 MINOR_UNSTABLE=$(expr match "${VERSION}" 'v[0-9]\+\.\([0-9]\+\)') if ( [ "$MAJOR_STABLE" -eq "$MAJOR_UNSTABLE" ] && [ "$MINOR_STABLE" -ge "$MINOR_UNSTABLE" ] ) \ || [ "$MAJOR_STABLE" -gt "$MAJOR_UNSTABLE" ]; then echo "❎ Latest unstable version ('$VERSION') is not higher than the latest stable version ('$STABLE_VERSION')." if [ -z "$DEBUG" ]; then exit 0 else echo "⚠️ Would exit here with code '0', but DEBUG is enabled." fi fi fi # Check if that version is not already available on docker hub: ORIGINAL_DOCKERHUB_REPO="ninech/netbox" DOCKERHUB_REPO="${DOCKERHUB_REPO-$ORIGINAL_DOCKERHUB_REPO}" URL_DOCKERHUB_TOKEN="https://auth.docker.io/token?service=registry.docker.io&scope=repository:${DOCKERHUB_REPO}:pull" BEARER_TOKEN="$($CURL "${URL_DOCKERHUB_TOKEN}" | jq -r .token)" URL_DOCKERHUB_TAG="https://registry.hub.docker.com/v2/${DOCKERHUB_REPO}/tags/list" AUTHORIZATION_HEADER="Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}" ALREADY_BUILT="$($CURL -H "${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}" "${URL_DOCKERHUB_TAG}" | jq -e ".tags | any(.==\"${VERSION}\")")" if [ "$ALREADY_BUILT" == "false" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2068 ./build.sh "${VERSION}" $@ else echo "✅ ${VERSION} already exists on https://hub.docker.com/r/${DOCKERHUB_REPO}" fi