from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist from extras.models import CustomField def set_custom_fields_values(entity, custom_field_data): if not custom_field_data: return missing_cfs = [] save = False for key, value in custom_field_data.items(): try: cf = CustomField.objects.get(name=key) except ObjectDoesNotExist: missing_cfs.append(key) else: ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(entity) if ct not in cf.content_types.all(): print( f"⚠️ Custom field {key} is not enabled for {entity}'s model!" "Please check the 'on_objects' for that custom field in custom_fields.yml" ) elif key not in entity.custom_field_data: entity.custom_field_data[key] = value save = True if missing_cfs: raise Exception( f"⚠️ Custom field(s) '{missing_cfs}' requested for {entity} but not found in Netbox!" "Please chceck the custom_fields.yml" ) if save: def pop_custom_fields(params): if "custom_field_data" in params: return params.pop("custom_field_data") elif "custom_fields" in params: print("⚠️ Please rename 'custom_fields' to 'custom_field_data'!") return params.pop("custom_fields") return None