#!/bin/bash # Builds develop, develop-* and master branches of Netbox echo "▶️ $0 $*" ### # Checking for the presence of GITHUB_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID # and GITHUB_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET ### if [ -n "${GITHUB_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID}" ] && [ -n "${GITHUB_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET}" ]; then echo "🗝 Performing authenticated Github API calls." GITHUB_OAUTH_PARAMS="client_id=${GITHUB_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID}&client_secret=${GITHUB_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET}" else echo "🕶 Performing unauthenticated Github API calls. This might result in lower Github rate limits!" GITHUB_OAUTH_PARAMS="" fi ### # Calling Github to get the all branches ### ORIGINAL_GITHUB_REPO="${SRC_ORG-netbox-community}/${SRC_REPO-netbox}" GITHUB_REPO="${GITHUB_REPO-$ORIGINAL_GITHUB_REPO}" URL_RELEASES="https://api.github.com/repos/${GITHUB_REPO}/branches?${GITHUB_OAUTH_PARAMS}" # Composing the JQ commans to extract the most recent version number JQ_NEXT='map(.name) | .[] | scan("^[^v].+") | match("^(develop-).*") | .string' CURL="curl -sS" # Querying the Github API to fetch all branches NEXT=$($CURL "${URL_RELEASES}" | jq -r "$JQ_NEXT") # shellcheck disable=SC2068 ./build.sh "${NEXT}" $@