Provides the core logic for implementing a manual-reset or .
The callback to invoke when the operation completes if was called before the operation completed,
or if the operation completed before a callback was supplied,
or null if a callback hasn't yet been provided and the operation hasn't yet completed.
State to pass to .
to flow to the callback, or null if no flowing is required.
A "captured" or with which to invoke the callback,
or null if no special context is required.
Whether the current operation has completed.
The result with which the operation succeeded, or the default value if it hasn't yet completed or failed.
The exception with which the operation failed, or null if it hasn't yet completed or completed successfully.
The current version of this value, used to help prevent misuse.
Gets or sets whether to force continuations to run asynchronously.
Continuations may run asynchronously if this is false, but they'll never run synchronously if this is true.
Resets to prepare for the next operation.
Completes with a successful result.
The result.
Complets with an error.
Gets the operation version.
Gets the status of the operation.
Opaque value that was provided to the 's constructor.
Gets the result of the operation.
Opaque value that was provided to the 's constructor.
Schedules the continuation action for this operation.
The continuation to invoke when the operation has completed.
The state object to pass to when it's invoked.
Opaque value that was provided to the 's constructor.
The flags describing the behavior of the continuation.
Ensures that the specified token matches the current version.
The token supplied by .
Signals that the operation has completed. Invoked after the result or error has been set.
Invokes the continuation with the appropriate captured context / scheduler.
This assumes that if is not null we're already
running within that .
Provides a set of static methods for configuring -related behaviors on asynchronous enumerables and disposables.
Configures how awaits on the tasks returned from an async disposable will be performed.
The source async disposable.
Whether to capture and marshal back to the current context.
The configured async disposable.
Configures how awaits on the tasks returned from an async iteration will be performed.
The type of the objects being iterated.
The source enumerable being iterated.
Whether to capture and marshal back to the current context.
The configured enumerable.
Sets the to be passed to when iterating.
The type of the objects being iterated.
The source enumerable being iterated.
The to use.
The configured enumerable.
Represents a builder for asynchronous iterators.
Creates an instance of the struct.
The initialized instance.
Invokes on the state machine while guarding the .
The type of the state machine.
The state machine instance, passed by reference.
Schedules the state machine to proceed to the next action when the specified awaiter completes.
The type of the awaiter.
The type of the state machine.
The awaiter.
The state machine.
Schedules the state machine to proceed to the next action when the specified awaiter completes.
The type of the awaiter.
The type of the state machine.
The awaiter.
The state machine.
Marks iteration as being completed, whether successfully or otherwise.
Gets an object that may be used to uniquely identify this builder to the debugger.
Indicates whether a method is an asynchronous iterator.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The type object for the underlying state machine type that's used to implement a state machine method.
Provides a type that can be used to configure how awaits on an are performed.
Provides an awaitable async enumerable that enables cancelable iteration and configured awaits.
Configures how awaits on the tasks returned from an async iteration will be performed.
Whether to capture and marshal back to the current context.
The configured enumerable.
This will replace any previous value set by for this iteration.
Sets the to be passed to when iterating.
The to use.
The configured enumerable.
This will replace any previous set by for this iteration.
Provides an awaitable async enumerator that enables cancelable iteration and configured awaits.
Advances the enumerator asynchronously to the next element of the collection.
A that will complete with a result of true
if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element, or false if the enumerator has
passed the end of the collection.
Gets the element in the collection at the current position of the enumerator.
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or
resetting unmanaged resources asynchronously.
Exposes an enumerator that provides asynchronous iteration over values of a specified type.
The type of values to enumerate.
Returns an enumerator that iterates asynchronously through the collection.
A that may be used to cancel the asynchronous iteration.
An enumerator that can be used to iterate asynchronously through the collection.
Supports a simple asynchronous iteration over a generic collection.
The type of objects to enumerate.
Advances the enumerator asynchronously to the next element of the collection.
A that will complete with a result of true if the enumerator
was successfully advanced to the next element, or false if the enumerator has passed the end
of the collection.
Gets the element in the collection at the current position of the enumerator.
Provides a mechanism for releasing unmanaged resources asynchronously.
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or
resetting unmanaged resources asynchronously.